Saturday, June 18, 2005

Biking on the Rims

Here's some photos we took while biking on the rims today. You can click here to jump to the bottom and then scroll up to see things unfold sequentially...
Water break before we head home
Hey, look what's sitting 5 feet away from our snake friend... dessert!!!!
Just like that, he dissappears into the grass
Aahh...all finished! Off he goes!
And a real nice closeup. Remember...bull snakes are our friends!
Here we caught him opening his jaws to try and swallow that last little bit of fluff
Another view of our snake friend
Bullsnake finishing his dinner
Afternoon thunderheads building
More sandstone and scrube pine
Looking Southwest towards the Beartooth Mountains
Malachi on his mountain bike
Weathered sandstone

Malachi Playing Baseball

Malachi eyes the pitch
He kind of looks like a baseball player, doesn't he?
That's Malachi, out there at 3rd base. Look ready?
Malachi's Team