Friday, August 25, 2006
So the day after getting rained out, we headed to Hellroaring Plateau, to camp out for the night and then hike into Sliderock Lake early the next morning. Once more, there was a looming chance of rain. Jump to the bottom and scroll up...
In the end, it turned out to be a good thing that we went back to Billings on Wednesday night, because some things came up with the house that needed our attention. Marilyn spent most of Thursday morning taking care of that, and then in the afternoon, we piled in the car and headed for Hellroaring Plateau, where we were going to camp beside the car and then day hike for a couple of days. Here we are near the top of the plateau - quite a view, to say the least! [Hi-res version]
It Never Rains In August (Day 1)
So one of the "truisms" of hiking in Montana is that it never rains in August. (Honest Taehoo!) Hmm... I'm beginning to doubt this old saying. We headed up for a three day hike with the whole family, and got a little wet, to say the least. Jump to the bottom and scroll up to get the skinny and see the day unfold in chronological order...
So what are we going to do, now that our 3-day camping trip has been spoiled? Head for the Grizzly Bar, that's what! They have GREAT burgers and steaks. So good in fact, that when we showed up at 7:30 PM on a Wednesday evening, the place was packed and their was an hour long wait. *sigh*... we headed over to Red Lodge instead, to eat dinner there and then head back to Billings for the night (and a chance to get dried out)
About this point in the hike, I turned to my wife and casually mentioned 'Hmm... maybe we should head back' (at which point she's supposed to say, 'No, of course not honey! We've come a long ways and we're really close. Let's just press on! We're tough!" For some reason. She didn't say that. Instead she flashed me that 'well-its-about-time-Einstein' look and said 'yeah, I think so' in that tone of voice that means she really isn't open to discussing any other options.
So she is smiling here because I actually LISTENED to her and turned around (much to my chagrin, I admit). We were SO close to getting there... (of course, they might have stoned me after they had hiked over the next stretch, so maybe it wasn't so bad after all...)
Ok, so remember how I mentioned those clouds? Well within an hour, all of a sudden there were LOTS of them. And then, you guessed it, it started to rain. HARD. So out came the rain ponchos (and we discovered that 3 of them were really old and didn't work so well).
Everyone is still smiling here, but that's because we thought it was going to blow over quickly. It didn't. Instead, it started hailing (marble size), the dog was yelping, we were all getting pelted, and lightning was bouncing off the granite a couple hundred yards above our heads.
Not exactly a safe place to be in a thunderstorm. Especially since the next stretch in the hike is by far the hardest - at this point, we're only about a mile and a half from the lake, but you have to climb up a very steep scree field (that means lots of rocks, from the size of your cat to your kitchen table, all of them loose and shifting). Then it gets steeper, and you climb up a shoot, with rocks the size of Volkswagons. And you hyperventilate and curse the person who brought you on this hike. So that's what lies ahead. And when you add a whole bunch of water and lightning (think 'getting electrocuted while slipping on loose boulders'), well, it doesn't exactly make for very happy campers.