Sunday, April 08, 2007
So here are some shots from our first Easter Sunday here in Missoula (it was a great day, in more ways than one). As always, it's best to jump to the bottom and then scroll up to see the pictures in sequential order...
A really cool looking tree, shot panoramic style (vertically). I loved the bright orange moss set against the deep blue sky. A very cool shot to end the day with (and you might want to check out the hi-res version too - just be warned, it's 10 MB!).
Later in the afternoon, after a splendid dinner and several hours of good conversation, Malachi and I went for a bike ride, heading down to Kelly Island (to the west of Missoula). Here's Malachi walking his bike across a slough... (I don't like the digital filter I was using when shooting this photo - tungsten - much too blue for an outdoors shot)